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What You Need to Know About Referrals and Pre-authorization
While QualChoice does not require referrals, some services require pre-authorization (pre-approval). Find out ahead of time if the services you need call for a pre-auth. Your claim could be denied if pre-authorization was needed and you didn’t get it before you received care.

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Outpatient Surgery? Consider an ASC
There are more options available today to get quality health care at a lower cost. If you need outpatient surgery, an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) may be an option to consider.

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Health Insurance How-To: Avoid Balance Billing
If you use an out-of-network provider, you might end up with a much larger bill than you expected. This is because of a practice called balance billing.

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Making the Most of Your Benefits
Healthcare can be confusing — and costly. Here are some ways you can make the most of your health insurance benefits. Master these points to stay healthy and save on your healthcare costs!

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Understanding Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
As a QualChoice member, you will receive an EOB every 14 days if you have had any claims during that time. Review the EOB closely and compare it to the receipt or statement from your doctor.* Keep it for your records, along with your medical bills..

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Beware of Balance Billing!
Balance billing by out-of-network providers can be a nasty surprise. But what does it mean exactly?

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Employer’s Healthcare Costs Have Plateaued
PwC’s Health Research Institute predicts that, without benefit design changes, large employers will see a 6 percent increase in health plan costs in 2019, the same rate of increase as in 2018. Costs for the previous five years have increased between 5.5 percent and 7 percent.

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Arkansas PCPs Are Improving Healthcare
Congratulations to these medical providers for their outstanding performance in the QualChoice 2017 Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program!

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High-deductible Health Plans – Lower Premiums
Employers are finding High-deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) an attractive way to reduce their employees’ health insurance premiums.