5 Spring Health Myths
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5 Spring Health Myths

Spring is finally under way! That means more chances to enjoy the outdoors and improve your health. But spring can also bring some health challenges and misconceptions. Let’s take a look at five common spring health myths and why they’re more fiction than fact.

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Health IQ Challenge: Facts for Soon-to-Be Moms

Pregnancy might seem like the perfect time to sit back and relax. But it can be a great time to get active. With your doctor’s care, the right nutrition and exercise, you can stay fit and healthy

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Spring into Wellness

Spring is here! The changing of the seasons is a great time to adopt new healthy habits or take control of health problems triggered during this time. Here are a few tips to make the season healthier

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Spring Clean Your Eating Habits

Our attention to healthy eating may lapse a bit in the winter. And a little weight gain might be hidden by those cozy—and bulky— wool sweaters. But spring is here, and all the greenery may have you craving a little dietary refresh. A few small changes in your everyday diet can mean a healthier, fitter you. Here are some tips to get you started.

How to Stay Smoke-free
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How to Stay Smoke-free

Quitting smoking is hard. It’s a process that may take time. And after you quit, it can be just as tough to stay smoke-free. Follow these steps to stay a non-smoker.

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10 Natural Ways to Sleep Better

According to the CDC*, more than one-third of U.S. adults routinely sleep fewer than six hours a night. That’s bad news! The benefits of getting enough sleep include better heart health, less stress, improved memory and weight loss.

Stopping Tobacco: Handling Weight Gain after You’ve Quit
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Stopping Tobacco: Handling Weight Gain after You’ve Quit

Many people put off quitting smoking because they’re worried about weight gain. Many smokers do gain some weight after they quit--but it’s still better to quit as soon as possible.

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Exercising When You’re Under the Weather

Is it safe to exercise when you’re sick? The answer depends on your symptoms and how sick you feel.

Quitting Tobacco: Slips Happen
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Quitting Tobacco: Slips Happen

Many smokers slip and smoke a few times while they’re quitting. If that happens to you, just know you’re not alone. And don’t use a slip as an excuse to start smoking again.

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Health Food Trends to Try in the New Year

Need a little push to follow through with those New Year’s health and fitness resolutions? The biggest health food trends of 2019 may help you reach those goals.