3 Ways to Start Healthy Holiday Traditions
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3 Ways to Start Healthy Holiday Traditions

Making the holidays healthier doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, taking the time now to consciously choose holiday traditions that involve movement, mental health and nutritious foods will mean

Preventing Flu
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Preventing Flu

This flu season is going to be challenging. Don’t wait until you get the flu. Do your part now to prevent spreading the virus!

Children Can Outgrow Weight Problems— With Some Healthy Changes
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Children Can Outgrow Weight Problems— With Some Healthy Changes

The health effects of childhood obesity stretch years beyond the playground. That’s why it’s so important to catch weight problems early.

Know Your Family’s Health History
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Know Your Family’s Health History

Family history is a risk factor for many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and high cholesterol. According to the CDC, most families have a history of at least one chronic disease. Learn why you should know your family’s health history and how to collect this information.

Protecting Dad's Health
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Protecting Dad's Health

The week leading up to Father’s Day is National Men’s Health Week. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the United States. QualChoice Health Insurance offers these tips for helping men make healthier choices.

Best If Used By: Spring Cleaning Your Fridge
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Best If Used By: Spring Cleaning Your Fridge

Food safety is a major concern. When food is abnormally soft, discolored or moldy, we know to throw it out. Other times it isn’t so obvious, and being too careful can waste food and money. Here are some tips for understanding and using food safety guidelines while spring-cleaning your fridge.

National Stroke Awareness Month: Know Your Risks
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National Stroke Awareness Month: Know Your Risks

May is National Stroke Awareness month. To spread awareness, QualChoice Health Insurance wants Arkansans to be familiar with the risk factors.

Surviving Spring Allergy Season
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Surviving Spring Allergy Season

It’s spring! Our gardens are flowering, and every outdoor surface is now covered in yellow pollen. Many of us will be suffering through coughing, sneezing and watery eyes. Here’s what you need to know about reducing your pollen allergy this season.

How Gardening Makes You Healthier
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How Gardening Makes You Healthier

Gardening provides moderate exercise and access to healthy fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s also a fun way to get your hands dirty and create something.

Talking to Your Kids About Nutrition
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Talking to Your Kids About Nutrition

Have you talked to your kids about nutrition and how to build a healthy relationship with food? If the answer is no, it’s not too late to start. Those lessons can be learned at any age.