Open Enrollment Checklist

October 12, 2020
Open Enrollment Checklist

Brokers and employers may find it challenging to keep up with regulatory changes in the health insurance industry. Open Enrollment is a good time to distribute required notices and legal information to employees.

Follow these five tips to stay on top of changes and help clients or employees successfully navigate the year ahead:

  1. Make Time for Education

    Allow yourself time to stay current on all aspects of the law and how new rules will impact clients or employees.

  2. Plan Ahead

    Gather needed accounting information and documentation before the last minute.

  3. Know What You Don't Know

    Enlist the help of professionals in another industry, if needed.

  4. Offer a Connected Experience

    Consolidating employee data into one system will help employers avoid costly penalties. A trusted partner who understands these technologies can help.

  5. Use a Checklist

    Review our 2021 Open Enrollment Checklist, which includes examples of required communications and other health plan notices.